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Tom Sawyer Abroad                           123
and don't see no way, and before you can pull your mind together and do something, that silence has got in and spread itself and done the business. I was embar­rassed, Jim he was embarrassed, and neither of us couldn't say a word. Well, Tom he glowered at me a minute, and says:
"Come, out with it. What do you think?"
I  says:
" Tom Sawyer, you don't believe that, yourself.' "What's the reason I don't? What's to hendei
"There's one thing to hender you: it couldn't happen, that's all."
" What's the reason it couldn't happen?"
" You tell me the reason it could happen."
"This balloon is a good enough reason it could happen, I should reckon."
" Why is it?"
" Why is it? I never saw such an idiot. Ain't this balloon and the bronze horse the same thing under different names?"
"No, they're not. One is a balloon and the other's a horse. It's very different. Next you'll be saying a house and a cow is the same thing."
" By Jackson, Huck's got him ag'in ! Dey ain't no wigglin' outer dat!"
" Shut your head, Jim; you don't know what you're talking about. And Huck don't. Look here, Huck, I'll make it plain to you, so you can understand. You see, it ain't the mere form that's got anything to do