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Tom Sawyer, Detective I83
it's all washed away by the storm, for it's all puddles and slush in there."
At last I give in, and went and took a look myself; and it was just as Tom said — there wasn't a sign of a corpse.
" Dern it," I says, "the di'monds is gone. Don't you reckon the thieves slunk back and lugged him off, Tom?"
"Looks like it. It just does. Now where'd they hide him, do you reckon?"
"I don't know," I says, disgusted, "and what's more I don't care. They've got the boots, and that's all I cared about. He'll lay around these woods a long time before I hunt him up."
Tom didn't feel no more intrust in him neither, only curiosity to know what come of him; but he said we'd lay low and keep dark and it wouldn't be long till the dogs or somebody rousted him out.
We went back home to breakfast ever so bothered and put out and disappointed and swindled. I warn't ever so down on a corpse before. |