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186                         Tom Sawyer, Detective
sudden I catched my breath and grabbed Tom's arm, and all my livers and lungs and things fell down into my legs.
" There it is!" I says. We jumped back behind a bush shivering, and Tom says:
" 'Sh ! — don't make a noise."
It was setting on a log right in the edge of a little prairie, thinking. I tried to get Tom to come away, but he wouldn't, and I dasn't budge by myself. He said we mightn't ever get another chance to see one, and he was going to look his fill at this one if he died for it. So I looked too, though it give me the fan-tods to do it. Tom he had to talk, but he talked low. He says:
"Poor Jakey, it's got all its things on, just as he said he would. Now you see what we wasn't certain about—its hair. It's not long now the way it was: it's got it cropped close to its head, the way he said he would. Huck, I never see anything look any more naturaler than what It does."
"Nor I neither," I says; "I'd recognize it any­wheres."
"So would I. It looks perfectly solid and genu-wyne, just the way it done before it died."
So we kept a-gazing. Pretty soon Tom says:
" Huck, there's something mighty curious about this one, don't you know? It oughtn't to be going around in the daytime."
"That's so, Tom — I never heard the like of it before."
" No, sir, they don't ever come out only at night —