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The Canvasser's Tale                           367
But behold, another fact came to light at the same time: another echo collector was in the field. The two rushed to make the peerless purchase. The property consisted of a couple of small hills with a shallow swale between, out yonder among the back settlements of New York State. Both men arrived on the ground at the same time, and neither knew the other was there. The echo was not all owned by one man; a person by the name of Williamson Bolivar Jarvis owned the east hill, and a person by the name of Harbison J. Bledso owned the west hill; the swale between was the dividing line. So while my uncle was buying Jarvis's hill for three million two hundred and eighty-five thou­sand dollars, the other party was buying Bledso's hill for a shade over three million.
Now, do you perceive the natural result? Why, the noblest collection of echoes on earth was forever and ever incomplete, since it possessed but the one-half of the king echo of the universe. Neither man was con­tent with this divided ownership, yet neither would sell to the other. There were jawings, bickerings, heart­burnings. And at last that other collector, with a malignity which only a collector can ever feel toward a man and a brother, proceeded to cut down his hill!
You see, as long as he could not have the echo, he was resolved that nobody should have it. He would remove his hill, and then there would be nothing to re­flect my uncle's echo. My uncle remonstrated with him, but the man said, " I own one end of this echo; I choose to kill my end; you must take care of your own end yourself."
Well, my uncle got an injunction put on him. The
other man appealed and fought it in a higher court.
They carried it on up, clear to the Supreme Court of
the United States. It made no end of trouble there.
Two of the judges believed that an echo was personal 24