Original Illustrated Version By Mark Twain

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They found plenty of things to be delighted with but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and a quarter of
a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide. They took a swim about every hour, so it was close upon the middle of the afternoon when they got back to camp. They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptu­ously upon'cold ham, and then threw themselves down, in the shade to talk. But the talk soon began to drag, and then died. The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys. They fell to think­ing. A sort of undefined longing crept
sently—it was budding home-sickness.
upon them. This took dim shape, pre-Even Finn the Red-Handed was dreaming
-of his door-steps and empty hogsheads. But they were all ashamed of their weak­ness, and none was brave enough to speak his thought.
For some time, now, the boys had been dully conscious of a peculiar sound in the distance, just as one sometimes is of the ticking of a clock which he takes no distinct note of. But now this mysterious sound became more pronounced, and forced a recognition. The boys started, glanced at each' other, and then each assumed a listening attitude. There was a long silence, profound and unbroken ; then a deep, sullen boom came floating down out of the distance. " What is it! " exclaimed Joe, under his breath. "I wonderI' said Tom in a whisper.
" Tain't thunder," said Huckleberry, in an awed tone, "becuz thunder — ". " Hark! " said Tom. " Listen—don't talk."