Original Illustrated Version By Mark Twain

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That was satisfactory. The work went on. By and by Huc'k said :—
"Blame it, we must be in the wrong place again. What do you think ? "
"It is mighty curious Huck. I don't understand it. Sometimes witches inter­fere. I reckon maybe that's what's the trouble now."
" Shucks, witches ain't got no power in the daytime."
"Well, that's so. I didn't think of that. Oh,I know what the matter is! What a blamed lot of fools we are! You got to find out where the shadow of the limb falls at midnight, and that's where you dig! "
"Then consound it, we've fooled away all this work for nothing. Now hang it all, we got to come back in the night. It's an awful long way. Can you get out ? "
" I bet I will. We've got to do it to night, too, because if some body sees these holes they'll know in a minute what's here and they'll go for it."
"Well, I'll come around and maow to night."
"All right. Let's hide the tools in the bushes."
The boys were there that night, about the appointed time. They sat in the shadow waiting. It was a lonely place, and an hour made solemn by old tra­ditions. Spirits whispered in the rustling leaves, ghosts lurked in the murky nooks, the deep baying of a hound floated up out of the distance, an owl answered with his sepulchral note. The boys were subdued by these solemnities, and talked little. By and by they judged that twelve had come ; they marked where the shadow fell, and began to dig. Their hopes commenced to rise. Their interest grew stronger, and their industry kept pace with it. The hole deepened and still deepened, but every time their hearts jumped to hear the pick strike upon something, they only suffered a new disappointment. It was only a stone or a chunk. At last Tom said :—
"It ain't any use, Huck, we're wrong again."
"Well but we cant be wrong. We spotted the shadder to a dot." " I know it, but then there's another thing."
"What's that?"
" Why we only guessed at the time. Like enough it was too late or too early."
Huck dropped his shovel.
" That's it," said he. " That's the very trouble. We got to give this one up. We can't ever tell the right time, and besides this kind of thing's too awful, here this