An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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Dozen. As cut. Wood wheels, handsome lithographed centre, wire handle. Has clear and perfect chime of bells. Size of roller, 4J x 4 inches. Length of handle, 26 inches.....8 4 SO
2. Similar to above, but much larger. Size of roller, U x 5 inches.......... ID SO
No. 0 Dozen. Handsomely lithographed. This is the most, vinique development of the chime principle, and the most attractive baby's rattle to be had. Has black enamelled handle. Entire length, 6 inches.....................................$ 3 60
Bell Chimes,
Hobby Horse Chimes
10. As cut.
No. 10.                                    E
Iron wheel, two If inch nickel bells.
Long wood handle
.$ 2 20
Dozen. 10. This is our No. 1 roll­er chime on spoke wheels and with a Stick Horse for handle. Diameter of wheels 7 inches. Length of toy over all 42 inches.....S10 50
No. 10.
Tin Floor Chimes.
No. 40.                                   Dozen
40. As cut. Telephone chime. Has four If inch
nickel bells, iron wheels. Long wood handle. .$ 6 00
Bell Chimes,
On Wheels with Cord Draw.
Dozen. 19/41. All nickel. Has 1 medium, and 1 small gong
bell. Entire length, 5 inches ; 1/2 doz. in pkg $ 4 00
19/42. All nickel. Has 2 medium, and 1 large gong
bell. Entire length, 7 inches................ 8 00
19 39. Double dome axle gong bell with 11/2 inch rub­ber tired bicycle wheels................... 7 50
19/40. An extra large gong bell and 61/4 inch double
spoke rubber tired bicycle wheels........... 19 20
No. 19/6.                                 Dozen.
14/608 Fancy japanned roller box, 3 inch diameter,
with long stick handle ; 1 dozen in package___§ 1 60
19/6. As cut, 4 inch roller music box, with double
wire handle ; 1 dozen in package............. 2 50