An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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Tea Sets.                                       Cruet.
Very substantial and attractive, and at exceptionally low prices.
No. 10M.
Dozen Sets.
IOM. Contains 22-pieces in- bor; size, €Ji
x 4li inches.....................$ r 70
15. Contains 28 pieces in box ; size, 9^x7
inches..... • • •................. 4 00
35. Has four glass bottles ; height 6 inches, width t>% inches ; detachable parts ; each in a box...................$ 4 00
Doll Cabs.
No. 27.
Dozen Sets.
27. Contains 23 pieces in box ; size, 11x9
inches...........................$ 7 20
No. 10.                                   Dozen.
10. Height 5^4 inches, length 5 y& inches,
each in a box....................$ 1 80
25. Height 1)^ inches, length 6)4 inches,
each in box..................... 4 00
Canary Whistle.
No. 75.
Dozen Sets. igg Bright finish pewter water whistle in
75. Contains 22 pieces in box; size, 14^ x
10 inches........................$12 50
600. Contains 23 pieces in box; size, 17 x
10j4 inches..................... 16 80
shape of canary, and it gives a proper imitation of this bird. Size, t,1/? x 2 inches .........................$ o 60