An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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NERLICH & CO.                                                                  49
Each set is put up on fancy Flag Card, and all are so attractively gotten up that they are sure to be big sellers at this time of so much military enthusiasm.
No. 4.                             Dozen Sets.
1.    Infantry. Cap, red breastplate with gilt epaulets
and sword. Size of card, 19J x 12J inches____S 6 00
2.    Infantry Cap, knapsack, epaulets and sword.
.Size of card, 1!)J x 12.J inches............... G 00
3.    As No. 2, but has in addition a gun that will
explode paper caps. Size of card, 20 x 17 inches...........................                       s 00
4.    Cavalry. As cut. Cap, red breastplate, spurs,
sword and guo that will explode paper caps.
Size of,card, 25 x ISA inches................. g 40
14.    As No. 4, but Khaki colored cap and breast-
Plate...................................... 8 00
"Strathcona Horse " Sets,
Dozen Sets.
15.    " Strathcona Horse " Uniform. Consists of
Khaki hat, breastplate, spurs, sword, and gun that explodes caps. Size of card, 25 x ISA
inchea...................................§13 00
•16. "Strathcona Horse" Uniform, same as No. 15, but has belt full of dummy cartridges, and spring gun for shooting them............... 10 SO
^° ''•                            Dozen Sets.
5. Infantry. Helmet with spike, red breastplate, good sword and gun. Size of card, 25 x 1S£ inches.....................................813 00
8.    Cavalry. Helmet with hair plume, blue breast-
plate, sword, spurs, belt of dummy cartridges and spring gun to shoot them, Size of card, 25 x IS J inches-•............................. ]g yrj
9.    Infantry Officer. As cut. Helmet with spike,
breastplate, despatch pouch, spurs, sword, and
gun that explodes caps and shoots stick...... Hi SO
11.    Hoyal Canadian Dragoon Uniform. Fine hel-
met with chain, breastplate, knapsack, cart­ridge pouch, gilt epaulets, spurs, good sword, aad gun that shoots caps and stick..... ..... 2-t 00
12.    Dragoon Guard Uniform. Gilt helmet with
plume, breastplate, despatch pouch, cuffs and sword................................... 30 00
13.    Hussar Officer. Black fur head gear with white
dap and gold trimmed, piume, breastplate, shoulder strap and pouch, epaulets, cuffs, spurs, sword, and gun to shoot caps and sticks. 42 00
Fireman Set,
6 Consists of large red helmet, canvas belt with leather straps and large wooden axe.............$13 5o