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Nos. 14/717 & 14/71*. No. 14 6S4.
Made of sheet steel, lacquered in imitation brass, nickel trimmed, perfectly modelled aod complete in all details, every one guaranteed to work perfectly if properly handled.
l!>/53. Height 7 inches........................... 14 50
U/716. " 8 " .......................... 7 50
14/68*. " 8J " solid brass boiler......... 12 00
14/717. " 10 " as out....................... 18 00
IJ/718. " 11J " solid brass boiler........... 24 00
ll(»)» I. " 12J " " " " ........ 42 00
Fine quality engines, finely finished and extra powerful.
14/111. Height 9 inches........................ $2 50
14/112. '• l(t> inches........................ 4 00 |
No. 14/079. Dozen.
14/675). As cut. Iron frame. Russian iron and nickelled body; mounted on polished wood base, size 9J x G inches. Height, 10£ inches. Extra good value............................$24 00
14/680. Same style as above but is mote powerful and has two water tanks on platform elevated above motor on bridge-work, with steps leading np. Size of base, 12J x 6J inches. Height, 11 lj inches................................... 54 110 |
Steam Boats.
Upright Shape.
Dozen. 14/379. Good quality Russian iron and brass lacquer finish ; body mounted on wood b a s e. Height, S| inches.$5 50
14/380. As cut. Russian iron hurner compartment, nickel and fine brass trimmed working parts; wood base. Height, 13 inches. Very attractive, and is a perfect working motor........ ..$21 00
No. 14/434. Dozen.
14/756. Made of good quality sheet metal; painted and decorated in bright colors, has engine with spirit burner complete. Length, 10 inches.... $7 20
14/434. As above. Length, 14 inches........... 14 40
14/757. " •' '• II) " ...........20 4(1 |
No. 14/720. Dozen
14/720. Torpedo boat. As cut. Length, IS inches.$24 00
14/721. Trader. Has raised deck and extra powerful engine. Length, 18 inches.............. $4 00
14/722. Cruiser. Very complete in details and handsomely decorated in white enamel, red and gilt. Length, 19 inches................. 7 50 |
No 14/380. |