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70 |
No. 19/19. Dozen.
19/19. Japanned in colors; natural wood whistle handle. Length, 7 inches. 1 dozen in box.,.................... $0 60
14/671. As above but painted handle. 1
dozen in box..................... 70
19/22.- Japanned in colors ; natural wood handle, bone ring. Length, 8 inches. 1 dozen in box.................... 1 20
19/21. Similar to above, but painted handle,
with bells. 1 dozen in package...... 1 50 |
No. 367/21. |
No. 4342. |
Humming^. Embossed and japanned in colors.
19/4. Height, 4)4 inches. 1 dozen in box.. $0 60 I9/5- " 5H " J " " 8o
MusiCRl. Embossed and japanned in colors.
367/21. Height, 6 inches. 1 dozen in box.... $1 60 14/334- " 8/^ "' I " h .... 3 00
14/335- " 9 " % " " .... 3 60
Choral, as above, but changing tune.
367/15. Height, 6y2 inches. Each in box.. $4 00 367/20.° 'i 7 « ti .. 8 00
14 592. " 8j4 11 " » n .. 9 60
Patent Wind, as in cut. Musical. 4342. Height, 5 inches. )4 dozen in box.. . $4 00 |
Nickel and bone style.
Nickel Rattles, with bone handles and rings. |
Dozen. |
19/20. Length, 5^ inches. 1 dozen in box. $ 80 |
367/12. 11 6 11 1 11 n
367/I3- " 8 .1 1 11
367/14. 1. 8# » 1 " |
1 60
2 40
3 °° |
Automatic Spring Wind* |
Assorted Nickel Rattles, with bone handles and
rings. Dozen.
19/23. Six kinds, yŁ dozen in box......... $2 40
14/597. Three kinds. Each in box......... 4 00
14/598. 11 11 m 11......... 6 00
Sleigh Bell Rattles. |
No. 21. Dozen.
Dozen. J7- With 3 bells; b'ack enameled handle. 1
<tj ,0 dozen in package.................. $0 80
2R. With 2 bells and rubber ring, black 2 40 B
, 20 enameled handle. 1 dozen in package 1 20
4 00 21. As cut. 4 bells and rubber ring, 1 dozen 12 00 in package........................ 1 60 |
No. 393/23 & 24. 393/23. Diameter, 2 inches. 1 dozen in box
393/24. 11 2j4 " I « »
393/24^- 1. 3 " ZA " 393/25- Musical, 3 .1 y2 .1 11
3547. 11 5)4 " Each in box.. |