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Cow Horn Trumpets, |
Japanned in bright colors ; china mouthpieces.
19/7. Length, 9 inches. 1 dozen in box.... $060 19/8. " n}£ " 1 " " .... 76
19/H. "15 " 1 " "... 1 20 |
No. 19/2. Cow horn, nickel or brass ends.
19/1. Length, 6j4 inches, i dozen in box.
19/2. "9 " 1 " "
19/3. "9 " 1 "
14/670. " 9^ " 1 " |
Dozen. $0 70
1 20
2 40
4 00 |
Toy Cornets. |
No. 19/17 Nickel; with fancy cord and tassels. |
No. 138/16. Nickel, with leather reed covers. y dozen in box.
138/16. Length, 10 inches, 4 keys.......... $4 00
138/17. " i-oyi " 5 " .......... 4 80
138/18. " 11 " 6 " .......... 6 50
Toy Trombone.
138/10. Nickel finish, 12 inches long....... $3 60
Tin Fish Horns. |
Fancy Shape Trumpets. |
Japanned in bright colors. 367/16. Length, n inches, i dozen in box.
367/1 " 12)4 " I
367/3. " i6# " }4 " |
Dozen. $2 20
3 20
4 OO |
Tin |
H |
orns. |
12.—inch size. 1 dozen in package........ $c 80 |
16—" " y2 " " ...... |
1 20 1 60 |
18.—" " y2 " " ...... |
Flutes. |
0. Tin, 6^ inches long................ $i 80
4- " "# " " ............... $0 5°
5. " 14 ' " ............... 60 |
8. " i6y2 " "................. 1 00 |
Nickel, same shape as cut; each with fancy cord and tassels.
Dozen. |
2119. Nickel, 9^ inches long............ i 20
61/196. " io}£ " "............ 1 60 |
1890. " n>i " " ............ 2 00
19/13. Length, 10 inches. 1 dozen in box. . $1 60i'^^,^Nickel Flageolet, 15 inch........ 3 20
19/14- " 12 " 1 " "... 240 61/763. Celluloid, &y inches long........ 360
19/15- " 16 " 1 " "... 4 20 61/364. " n>i " " ........ 800 |