An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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On Cards.
No. 14/514.
In assorted fancy patterns.            Dozen.
14/672. Length, 6J^ inches. 1 dozen in pkg. $0 80 14/514.         11 %% 11 1 11                11 1 60
14/43.            11 10           11 ^M                "3 2°
46/70. Nickel, with revolving screw. Length, 7 inches, on polished wood stand 8)^ inches high, extra fine, large diameter. 12 00
Calliope Whistles.
No. 137/14.                              No. 137/24. Dozen.
-187f4r As cut. Smalt size, silver finish, with fancy
silver bow pin. Each on a card.............. §0 50
137/25. Assorted. 6 kinds, silver and gilt; with
chains. J dozen on card .................. 70
61 693. Fancy, smalt size, embossed gilt watch with
fob chain, each on card....................         70
137/3. Assorted. 6 kinds, silver and gilt, with
chains. J dozen on card.................... SO
137/24. As cut. Fancy, small size, gilt with chain.
Each on a card.............................. 80
137/30. As 137/24. but long chain. Each on a card.. 1 10 137/27. Assorted. 2 kinds, with fancy colored pic­ture backs, under glass. J dozen on card..... 1 40
137/31. As above, but finer..................... 150
61/5. Fancy gilt, with long chain. J dozen on card.. 1 60 61/762. Fancy revolving color dial, gilt, with chain.
\ dozen on card............................ 2.40
In Boxes*
393/4. Tin tube, 3 inches long, with metal mouthpiece, the handle of wood stained black, will play any tune by pulling the rod whilst breathing air through the mouthpiece. A good toy. The cal­liope whistle is a seller.............. $0 60
'393/56. As above, but larger. Entire length,
with rod in, is %lA inches..
.......          70
Pea Whistles.
393/55. Small size, pewter whistle.......... $1 80
61/384. Nickel, with ring. 1 dozen in package $0 60 61/385.        "          "         larger, 1 doz in pkg. 70
61/9. Fine nickel, double end. in n 1 30
Laughing Camera.
No. 137/29.                                No. 137/9. Gross.
137/20. Small size, silver, with chain. 1 gross in box. $2 00
Dozen. 137/1/. Medium size, silver, with chain and bar. 1
dozen in box........... ................... $0 50
137/2. As 137/1, but larger. 1 dozen in box..... ..        70
137/9. As cut Large size, silver, with chaio, Each
in a box..................... ............. 1 50
137/29. Extra large size, closed face, gilt, with heavy
chain. Each in box....................... 3 00
This wonderful little fun maker maintains its reputation as the steadiest selling novelty on the market. 1 dozen in package........................... $3