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Note.—Lengths do not include lash. Except where otherwise mentioned all Toy Whips have whistle.
No. 14/673.
Assorted, 1 Dozen on Card.
Fancy colored stocks, plaited lashes.
14 .511. Length Si inches........................ $0 GO
14/673. "" 25 "".................. 120
14/674. " '28 "..................... 160
14/675. " 30 " ...................... 2 00
In 1 Dozen Packages.
170 1. Woven linen covered stock and woven cotton lash. Length 20 inches ................. 80
170/2. As above, nickel cap and ferrule. Length
20inches................................. 160
170/3. Bamboo stock 20 inches long and woven cotton lash.................................... 1 60
170/1. Bamhoo stock 15 inches long and long plaited leather lash ............................. ^ 40
170/5. Woven linen covered stock 28 inches long and plaited leather lash ; nickel cap and fer-rnle...................................... 2 40
I 70/6. Woven linen covered stock 24 inches long
and plaited leather lash ..................... 3 00
No. 170/7. 170/7. As cut. Plaited tan leather stock 30 inches
long and plaited lash ....................... 4 00
Dog Whips.
393/48. Small plaited flexible dog whip ; 1 dozen
in package .......................... SO
393/57. As above, but larger..................... 160
393/58. Fancy white celluloid handle, fine plaited
stock aud lash............................. 3 60
393 5Sr As above, but larger..................... 4 00
No. 297/10. Dozen.
380/6. Pop-Gun, all wood ; fancy painted.
LeDgth, 19 inches..................>.'........ §1 60
268/6. As 380/6. Length, 30 inches, \ dozen in
package..................................... 3 00
297/1. Cap Gun, stained wood stock, tin barrel; explodes caps. Length, 21 inches ; 1 dozen in package.............................. • • • 1 60
297/2. As 297/1, but painted stock. Length, 22
inches..................................... 2 40
297/3. Pop Gun. natural polished hardwood stock, tin barrel ; shoots cork, peas or sticks. Length, 25 inches ; J dozen in package........ 3 00
297/5. As 297/3. Length, 29 inches ; 4 dozen in
package.................................. 4 00
297/10. Military Gun, natural polished hardwood stock, nickelled barrel ; metal detachable bayonet. Explodes caps and shoots sticks. Length, 32 inches ; 4 dozen in package........ 4 00
297/11. As 297/10. Length, 3G inches .......... 7 50
297/12. As 297/10. Length 42 inches........... 9 60 |
No. 297/4. Dozen.
297/4. Rifle As cut. Dark polished wood stock, metal grip and barrel. Explores caps and shoots peas and sticks. Length, 25 inches.... $4 00
297/9. As 297/4. LeDgth 31 inches.............. 8 00
All are with guarded handle and belt.
Dozen. 14/750. Solid metal sword, i W*^^^F with scabbard japanned in colors. Length, 18 inches; 2 dozen in package..................... $0 80
14/752. As above, but length fcf^F^BJjXi 24 inches ; 1 dozen in
package................. 1 60
t 14/753. Similar to above, but has bright nickel finished scabbard.......... 2 40
14/754. A well shaped 2G-1 inch sword in imitation
brass scabbard ; each on
a caid................. 3 60
r Similar to above,
but finer finished snd in
nickel scabbard ; each on
card................. 6 00
Have also finf-r swerde, No. 14/736 No. at $8.00 and 14/737 at $10 80 dozen
No. 14/743 and 14/744. |
Doz |
14/743. As cut. Lacquered tin. Will shoot peas or other small ammunition. Entire length 5£ inches ; height 2J inches ; 1 dozen in package. $0 80
14/744. As above. Length 7 inches; height 2J
inches ; 1 dozen in package.................. 1 60
14/745. As above. Length 10J inches; height 4|
inches ; i dozen in package.................. 3 GO |