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3/105. Teapot, 4J inches high, cream jug, covered Dozen, sugar bowl, 6 plates 2J inches diameter, 6 cups and saucers (If inch cups). Size of box, 21 X 15 inches..................................$16 80
30/24. Same composition as above, but larger pieces.
Sixe of box, 2-1 x 15 inches.................. 24 00
3/106. Extra quality transparent china with burnt in tint and fl iwer decoration. Teapot 4 inches high, cream jug, covered sugar bowl, 6 plates, 2| inch diameter, and 6 cups and saucers (If in. cups). Size of box, 21 x 15 inchea............ 26 40
3/107. As No. 3/106, but larger ; plates being 3j inch diameter and cups 2 inch diameter. Fancy rack box, 21 x 15 inches..................... 42 00
3 108. Fine quality china set; five o'clock tea size. Consists of teapot 6J inches high, cream jug, covered sugar bowl, 6 cups and saucera (2J inch cups). The decoration is a beautiful flower design ou burnt in shaded tint. Size of box, 24 x 17 inches............................ 51 00 |
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No. 30/1.
All have decoration in colors. Quality and size of the
■articles is graded according to the price and number of piecea
in sets.
Dozen. 9/6. 7 pieces. Size of box, 5J x 3} inches 1 dozen
in package................................ §0 70
9/7. 9 pieces. Size of box, 6x4 inches. 1 dozen in
package........................... 84
9/8 12 pieces. Size of box, 8 x 5£ inches. J dozen
in package ............................... 1 30
9/9. 15 pieces. Size of box, 8 J x 6 inches. J dozen
in package................................ 1 60
119/101. 23 pieces. Size of box, 9 x 7 inches....... 2 50
119/102. 23 pieces and 6 spoons. Size of box, 11 \
x S inches................................. 3 20
30/1. As cut. 17 large piecea and 6 spoons. Size of
box, 11J x 8 inches....................... 4 00
119/104. 23 pieces and 6 apoons. Size of box, 13 x
10i inches............................... 4 50
9/11. 23 large pieces and 6 spoons. Size of box, 14 x
10£ inches ............................ 6 50
30/6. 19 large pieces and 6 apoons. Size of b>x, 14
x 10 inches................................ 8 00 |
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299/1. Polished miple, 1 dozen in package......... $0 80
299/11. Highly polished maple, the cover when pulled out releases top half of box and allows it to swing to one side, disclosing a lower section divided into three compartments, 1 dozeu in package................................. 1 60
299/12 as 299/11, but larger and has more compartments. J dozen in package................ 2 20
299/13. A large size three compirtment box polished in brilliant green olor with fancy top design in gold and colors. ^ d )Zen 'Q pickaxe........ 2 40
299/8. Polished wood, three compartments. Top is made in small sections thit roll out of sigbt around the end of the box as the botto n slide is pulled out. 1 dozen in package .......\ .... SI 60
299/6. Stained wood, hinge cover, lithographic picture on top, three compartments, lock and key. 1 dozen in package........................'. $0 70
14/677. Finely polished three compartment box; imitation inlaid top in assorted patterns ; hinge cover ; lock aud key. Three fittings. 1 dozen in package................................. 2 40
14/678. Highly polished grooved tray box; inlaid hardwood veneer tops in assorted patterns ; hinge cover ; lock and key. Fitted wtih large screw top ink bottle and three other fittings... 3 60 |
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No. 3/103.
Dozen. 3/103. 18 large pieces. Size of box, 15| x 11 j inches $8 40 3/104. 25 large pieces. Size of box, 16 x 12J inchea 12 00 3 |