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With Reliable Clockwork. |
No. 212 and 213A. Dozen.
212. Tin body, in bright colors. Has reverse motion so that when the clockwork is wound up the engine runs backwards and forwards, reversing automatically Length, 6^. inches; height, 5 inches. Each in box. $4 00
213A. Same size and style as No. 212, but instead of having reverse motion it is made to run in any sizecircle desired. Each in box. 4 00 |
Drzitl. |
No. 237/50.
237/50 as cut. Strong tin body in bright colors. When wound up will run several yards, ringing a gong bell as it runs. Length, 9 inches ; height,
4 inches. Each in box................... $8 |
14/747 14/728. |
as above. Length, 12 inches; height, 5 inches 12 Similar to above, but finer quality and finish |
14/418 |
throughout, and has solid metal wheels. Length,
23 inches ; height, 5^ inches............... 24
A large and handsome locomotive, very complete in details and brass trimmed. Length, 16 inches ; height, 6 inches.................. 36 |
Tin Bodies in Bright Colors ; Solid Metal Wheels. Dozen.
14/555. Consists of engine with tender attached, 2 cars. Length, 10 inches Jointed track, oval shape,
20 inches long. All packs neatly in a box......................................... $8 00
14/556. Consists of large size engine, tender and one car. Length, 12 inches. Jointed round track,
20 inches in diameter. Each complete in a box....................................... 13 00
14/557. Consists of large size engine, tender, two cars. Length, 17 inches. Jointed oval track, 33 inches long. Also finely lithographed tin tunnel through which the train passes. Each complete in a box.................................■ •........................... 20 40
14/559. Same as 14/557 but has a fine lithographed tin station house, which adds greatly to the
attractiveness of the article....................................................... 27 00
14/560. Similar to above, but larger cars and has figure " 8 " track, 4 ft. long. Each complete in box. 42 00
14/601. Consists of engine, tender, two cars, signal house and station. Length of train, 18 inches. Has combination set of tracks that can be formed into circle, oval or figure " 8," about 6 feet long. Each complete in box...................................................... 60 00
14/602. Similar to ahove, but 22 inch train, and in place of station has large tunnel. Each complete
in box........................................................................ 7800 |