An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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With Reliable Clockwork.
No. 212 and 213A.                  Dozen.
212. Tin body, in bright colors. Has reverse motion so that when the clockwork is wound up the engine runs backwards and forwards, reversing automatic­ally Length, 6^. inches; height, 5 inches. Each in box. $4 00
213A. Same size and style as No. 212, but instead of having reverse motion it is made to run in any sizecircle desired. Each in box. 4 00
No. 237/50.
237/50 as cut. Strong tin body in bright colors. When wound up will run several yards, ringing a gong bell as it runs. Length, 9 inches ; height,
4 inches. Each in box................... $8
14/747 14/728.
as above. Length, 12 inches; height, 5 inches 12 Similar to above, but finer quality and finish
throughout, and has solid metal wheels. Length,
23 inches ; height, 5^ inches............... 24
A large and handsome locomotive, very com­plete in details and brass trimmed. Length, 16 inches ; height, 6 inches.................. 36
Tin Bodies in Bright Colors ; Solid Metal Wheels.                           Dozen.
14/555. Consists of engine with tender attached, 2 cars. Length, 10 inches Jointed track, oval shape,
20 inches long. All packs neatly in a box......................................... $8 00
14/556. Consists of large size engine, tender and one car. Length, 12 inches. Jointed round track,
20 inches in diameter. Each complete in a box....................................... 13 00
14/557. Consists of large size engine, tender, two cars. Length, 17 inches. Jointed oval track, 33 inches long. Also finely lithographed tin tunnel through which the train passes. Each complete in a box.................................■ •........................... 20 40
14/559. Same as 14/557 but has a fine lithographed tin station house, which adds greatly to the
attractiveness of the article....................................................... 27 00
14/560. Similar to above, but larger cars and has figure " 8 " track, 4 ft. long. Each complete in box. 42 00
14/601. Consists of engine, tender, two cars, signal house and station. Length of train, 18 inches. Has combination set of tracks that can be formed into circle, oval or figure " 8," about 6 feet long. Each complete in box...................................................... 60 00
14/602. Similar to ahove, but 22 inch train, and in place of station has large tunnel. Each complete
in box........................................................................ 7800