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80 |
Dozen. |
6l/753- Lacquered tin animals, assorted ; on platform with wheels. Length, '4 inches ; 3 dozen in package..........$ o 70
2127. Painted tin Horse on platform with wheels. Length, 6 inches; 1 dozen in package.......................... 1 60
Toy Steel Spade. |
No. 6. |
Dozen. |
Black japanned steel Spade, 4 inches wide. Natural wood handle. Entire length, 15 inches........................$ o 80
Toy Dust Pans. |
No. 01/723. |
Dozer |
61/723. As cut. Lacquered tin in colors. As the toy is drawn along the sentry keeps going his round step by step. Size, i,y2 x 4^ inches. Extra good value ; 1 dozen in package..........$ 1 60
Friction Gun Boats. |
No. 307/341. Dozen.
(, 1/716. Similar to cut. Lacquered tin. Length, 6J^ inches. Has forward and wave motion ; 1 dozen in package. .'. .$ 1 60
367/34I- As cut. Strong tin body painted in colors. Length, 8}£ inches. Has very realistic forward and wave motion ; y2 dozen in package................ 4 00
Tin Street Car.
14/120. Painted car with horse. Length, b*4
inches; 1 dozen in package..........$ 1 40 |
No. 355/22. Dozen.
355/22. As cut. Lithographed tin. Size,
8 x 6^2 inches ; 1 dozen in package. .$ o 90 |
73- Embossed and colored all over, flower pattern. Size, &l/2 x 7% ; yi dozen in package ........................... |
90 |