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All 13 Piece Sets. |
No. 196/235. Per Set.
152/245. Similar to cut. 9^ inch bowl and twelve 5^ inch nappies. Pink flower decoration, embossing, gold edge; 1 set in package....................$ 1 50
152/246. As above, but " Lily-of-the-Valley "
decoration ; 1 set in package........ 1 50
196,233- Fine quality china ; same shape as cut. 9 inch bowl and 5 inch nappies. " Violet" decoration, clouded gold edge ; 1 set in package.............. 2 00
196/234. As above, but light green tint and green spray of flowers. A favourite seller ; 1 set in package-.. ._«........ 2 00
196/235- As cut. Has 9 inch bowl and 5 inch nappies. Decorated with sky blue tint border, sprays of pink flowers, neat embossing and gold edge; 1 set in package........................... 2 20
152/247. Larger than above. Maroon tinted edge with rich gold tracing, large spray of flowers ; 1 set in package......... 2 40
Salad Bowls.
152 250. Diameter, 9^ inches. Fancy embossed edge, with wide clouded gold border. Three assorted flower decorations ; j£ dozen in package........$ 7 50
3/184. Diameter, 9^ inches. Flower embossed edge, yellow and pink lustre tint, with spray of Violets........... 10 80
3 185. Diameter, 10 inches. Fancy leaf shape, tinted in parts, rich flower decoration and gold tracing.............. 13 00
Have also better lines of Salad Bowls in newest shapes and decorations up to $22.00 dozen (list). |
No. 152/218. Dozen.
120/73- Same shape as cut. Large spray of flowers in three assorted colors, neat embossing, gold edge, open handle. Diameter, 9 inches; \ dozen assorted in package.......................$ 3 00
152/217. Embossed rim, " Lily-of-the-Valley " decoration, gold tracingand edge, open handles. Diameter, 9J inches; i dozen in package............,............ 4 00
402/6. Flower decoration in three assorted colors, neat embossing, gold fern border and edge ; open handles. Diameter, ioi inches; | dozen in pkg..... 7 5°
152,218. As cut. Yellow lustre finish, green and gold tracing on embossed border. Large spray of hand-painted flowers. Diameter, ioJ<£ inches ; i dozen in package...........,.............. 9 00
I20/8l. Fine quality 'china; gold covered relief embossed border and large spray of hand painted roses. A very rich pattern. Diameter, 10^ inches ; 1-12 dozen in package.........'......... 13 00 |
We jalso carry in stock finer Cake Plates up to $24.00 dozen (list.) |
Where number in package is
mentioned we cannot sell a
smaller quantity. |