An illustrated trade catalogue of children's toys, novelties, games,
and fancy goods as they were sold circa 1900

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With Spoons.
No. 152/241.                        Dozen.
9/12. Barrel shape, 3 inches'high, pink lustre
finish ; 1 dozen in package.......... $0 70
152/204. Barrel shape, 3^ inches high, assorted flowers, and clouded gold edge; 1 dozen in package .......... 1 30
152/241. As cut, A,y2 inches high. Assorted flowers, clouded gold edge; 1 dozen in package........................ 1 60
Sick Feeders.
No. 196/245.                        Dozen.
3W. Plain white china Barber's mug. Size,
3j4 x 3^ inches ; y2 dozen in pkg... $1 60
152/235. Flat shape, divided top soap recep­tacle, flower decoration. Height, 2)4 inches; diameter, 33^ inches; 1 dozen in package........................ 2 20
152/233. Same shape as cut 152/234, clouded gold top, flower decoration. Height, 3|4 inches ; }4 dozen in package..... 2 40
196/245. As cut. Fancy shape, clouded gold edge, flower decoration. Height, 4^ inches ; y2 dozen in package........ 4 00
No. A/1145.                        Dozen.
5/8. Plain white china. Diameter of bowl
3 inches ; y2 dozen in package....... $2 20
A. White. As above, but 3^ inch diameter 4 00 A/1145. As above, but with gold lines...... 4 5°
Egg Cups.
No. 152/234.
152/234. As cut. Clouded gold top, large size gold lined soap receptacle, flower decoration. Height, 4 inches; y2 dozen in package..... ................ $6 00
Nos. 100.           99/151.         102.          1194. Gross.
102. As cut. Ribbed, with two gold lines,
2% inches high; ^ gross in package $3 50
100. As cut. Plain, with gold lines, 2^
inches high ; y2 gross in package..... 3 60
99/151. As cut. Plain, with'gold lines, 2^
inches high ; y2 gross in package..... 4 00
Double Shape.
1194 As cut. Plain white, 3^ inches high ;
1 dozen in package................. 1 10
2003. As 1194, but has broad gold base and
gold lined top; 1 dozen in package.. 1 20 89/11. Ribbed, with broad gold base and gold
line top, 4 inches high; 1 dozen in
package......................... 1 60
Soap Dish.
No. 1302.
1302. As cut. Two piece, white china. Size,
\l/i x T,y2 inches ; y2 dozen in package $2 40