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Fine tone and finish. Each instrument is packed in stained and varnished WOOD BOX, complete with picks and instruction book. |
51. Twenty-three strings, three bars, pro-
ducing three chords............... $2 70
52. Twenty three strings, four bars, produc-
ing four chords................... 3 00
52^( Twenty-three strings, five bars, producing five chords.................. 3 20
52^A. Twenty three strings, six bars, producing six chords.................. 3 60
52^ B. Twenty five strings, five bars, producing five chords. Extra large size.. 4 50 |
52^C- Twenty-five strings, six bars, producing six chords. Extra large size. .. 5 00 |
56. Eleven-inch nickel shell, wood lined, birch "
neck, 13 brass leaf brackets, raised
frets............................ $7 00
57. As 56, but has 17 brass leaf brackets... 8 00
58. Nickel shell, wood lined, wire edge, hirch
neck, ebony pegs, grooved hoop, metal tailpiece; 13 hexagon brackets, all parts finely nickel plated............ 12 00 |
510J-2- As cut, 10 new style covered bars.
Fine finish........................ $6 50 |