Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

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The scenes of this story, as its title indicates, lie among a race hitherto ignored by the associations of polite and refined society; an exotic race, whose ancestors, born be­neath a tropic sun, brought with them, and perpetuated to their descendants, a character so essentially unlike the hard and dominant Anglo-Saxon race, as for many years to have won from it only misunderstanding and contempt.
Bat, another and better day is dawning ; every influence of literature, of poetry, and of art, in our times, is becom­ing more and more in unison with the great master chord of Christianity, " good-will to man."
The poet, the painter, and the artist now seek out and embellish the common and gentler humanities of life, and, under the allurements of fiction, breathe a humanizing and subduing influence, favorable to the development of the great principles of Christian brotherhood.
The hand of benevolence is everywhere stretched out, searching into abuses, righting wrongs, alleviating dis­tresses, and bringing to the knowledge and sympathies of the world the lowly, the oppressed, and the forgotten.
In this general movement, unhappy Africa at last is remembered; Africa, who began the race of civilization and human progress in the dim, gray dawn of early time,