Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

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LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY              55
u Now, dar, Tom 's down, — wal, course der 's room for some nigger to be up, — and why not dis nigger ? — dat's de idee. Tom, a-ridin' round de country, — boots blacked, — pass in his pocket, — all grand as Cuffee, — who but he ? Now, why should n't Sam ? — dat's what I want to know."
" Halloo, Sam, — Oh, Sam ! Mas'r wants you to cotch Bill and Jerry," said Andy, cutting short Sam's soliloquy.
" High! what's afoot now, young un ? "
" Why, you don't know, I s'pose, that Lizy 's cut stick, and clared out, with her young un ? "
" You teach your granny ! " said Sam, with infinite con­tempt ; " knowed it a heap sight sooner than you did; this nigger an't so green, now! "
" Well, anyhow, Mas'r wants Bill and Jerry geared right up; and you and I's to go with Mas'r Haley, to look arter her."
" Good, now! dat's de time o' day! " said Sam. " It's Sam dat 's called for in dese yer times. He 's de nigger. See if I don't cotch her, now; Mas'r '11 see what Sam can do!"
" Ah! but, Sam," said Andy, " you 'd better think twice; for Missis don't want her cotched, and she '11 be in yer wool."
" High! " said Sam, opening his eyes. " How you know dat? "
" Heard her say so, my own self, dis blessed mornm', when I bring in Mas'r's shaving-water. She sent me to see why Lizy did n't come to dress her; and when I telled her she was off, she jest ris up, and ses she, l The Lord be praised ; ' and Mas'r, he seemed rael mad, and ses he, ' Wife, you talk like a fool.' But Lor! she '11 bring him to ! I knows well enough how that '11 be, — it 's allers best to stand Missis' side the fence, now I tell yer "
Black Sam, upon this, scratched his woolly pate, which, if it did not contain very profound wisdom, still contained