Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

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LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY              81
of the room, was a brawny, muscular man, full six feet in height, and broad in proportion. He was dressed in a coat of buffalo-skin, made with the hair outward, which gave him a shaggy and fierce appearance, perfectly in keeping with the whole air of his physiognomy. In the head and face every organ and lineament expressive of brutal and unhesi­tating violence was in a state of the highest possible devel­opment. Indeed, could our readers fancy a bull-dog come unto man's estate, and walking about in a hat and coat, they would have no unapt idea of the general style and effect of his physique. He was accompanied by a travel­ing companion, in many respects an exact contrast to him­self. He was short and slender, lithe and catlike in his motions, and had a peering, mousing expression about his keen black eyes, with which every feature of his face seemed sharpened into sympathy ; his thin, long nose ran out as if it was eager to bore into the nature of things in general; his sleek, thin, black hair was stuck eagerly for­ward, and all his motions and evolutions expressed a dry, cautious acuteness. The great big man poured out a big tumbler half full of raw spirits, and gulped it down with­out a word. The little man stood tiptoe, and putting his head first to one side and then to the other, and snuffing considerately in the directions of the various bottles, ordered at last a mint julep, in a thin and quivering voice, and with an air of great circumspection. When poured out, he took it and looked at it with a sharp, complacent air, like a man who thinks he has done about the right thing and hit the nail on the head, and proceeded to dis­pose of it in short and well-advised sips.
" Wal, now, who 'd 'a' thought this yer luck 'ad come to me ? Why, Loker, how are ye ?" said Haley, coming forward, and extending his hand to the big man.
" The devil! " was the civil reply. " What brought you here, Haley ? "
The mousing man, who bore the name of Marks, in­stantly stopped his sipping, and, poking his head forward,