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the same trial. Walking up last to the boy, he felt of his arms, straightened his hands, and looked at his fingers, and made him jump, to show his agility.
" He an't gwine to be sold widout me!" said the old woman, with passionate eagerness; " he and I goes in a lot together ; I's rail strong yet, Mas'r, and can do heaps o' work, — heaps on it, Mas'r."
" On plantation ?" said Haley, with a contemptuous glance. " Likely story !' and, as if satisfied with his examination, he walked out and looked, and stood with his hands in his pockets, his cigar in his mouth, and his hat cocked on one side, ready for action.
" What think of 'em?" said a man who had been following Haley's examination, as if to make up his own mind from it.
" Wal," said Haley, spitting, " I shall put in, I think, for the youngerly ones and the boy."
" They want to sell the boy and the old woman together," said the man.
" Find it a tight pull; — why, she 's an old rack o* bones — not worth her salt."
" You would n't, then ? " said the man.
" Anybody 'd be a fool 't would. She 's half blind, crooked with rheumatis, and foolish to boot."
" Some buys up these yer old critturs, and ses there 's a sight more wear in 'em than a body 'd think," said the man, reflectively.
" No go, 't all," 6aid Haley ; " would n't take her for a present, — fact, — I 've seen, now."
" Wal, 't is kinder pity, now, not to buy her with her son, — her heart seems so sot on him, — s'pose they fling her in cheap."
" Them that's got money to spend that ar way, it's all well enough. I shall bid off on that ar boy for a plantation-hand ; — would n't be bothered with her, noway, —» not if they 'd give her to me," said Haley.
" She '11 take on desp't," said the man. |