Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

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LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY            285
" Oh, yes, to be sure, the question is, — and a deuce of a question it is ! How came you in this state of sin and misery ? Well, I shall answer in the good old words you used to teach me, Sundays. I came so by ordinary gener­ation. My servants were my father's, and, what is more, my mother's; and now they are mine, they and their in­crease, which bids fair to be a pretty considerable item. My father, you know, came first from New England; and he was just such another man as your father, — a regular old Roman, — upright, energetic, noble-minded, with an iron will. Your father settled down in New England, to rule over rocks and stones, and to force an existence out of Nature ; and mine settled in Louisiana, to rule over men and women, and force existence out of them. My mother," said St. Clare, getting up, and walking to a picture at the end of the room, and gazing upward with a face fervent with veneration, " she was divine ! Don't look at me so ! — you know what I mean ! She probably was of mortal birth; but, as far as ever I could observe, there was no trace of any human weakness or error about her ; and every­body that lives to remember her, whether bond or free, servant, acquaintance, relation, all say the same. Why, cousin, that mother has been all that has stood between me and utter unbelief for years. She was a direct embodi­ment and personification of the New Testament, — a living fact, to be accounted for, and to be accounted for in no other way than by its truth. Oh, mother ! mother ! " said St. Clare, clasping his hands, in a sort of transport; and then suddenly checking himself, he came back, and seating himself on an ottoman, he went on : —
k' My brother and I were twins; and they say, you know, that twins ought to resemble each other; but we were in all points a contrast. He had black, fiery eyes, coal-black hair, a strong, fine Roman profile, and a rich brown complexion. I had blue eyes, golden hair, a Greek outline, and fair complexion. He was active and observ­ing, I dreamy and inactive. He was generous to his friends