Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

Complete unabridged version in one volume

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Why don't they ? " said Eva.
" Because it is no use for them to read. It don't help them to work any better, and they are not made for any­thing else."
"But they ought to read the Bible, mamma, to learn God's will."
" Oh, they can get that read to them all they need."
" It seems to me, mamma, the Bible is for every one to read themselves. They need it a great many times when there is nobody to read it."
" Eva, you are an odd child," said her mother.
" Miss Ophelia has taught Topsy to read," continued Eva.
" Yes, and you see how much good it does. Topsy is the worst creature I ever saw! "
" Here 's poor Mammy ! " said Eva. " She does love the Bible so much, and wishes so she could read ! And what will she do when I can't read to her ? "
Marie was busy turning over the contents of a drawer, as she answered, —
" Well, of course, by and by, Eva, you will have other things to think of besides reading the Bible round to ser­vants. Not but that is very proper ; I 've done it myself, when I had health. But when you come to be dressing and going into company, you won't have time. See here ! " she added, " these jewels I 'm going to give you when you come out. I wore them to my first ball. I can tell you, Eva, I made a sensation."
Eva took the jewel-case, and lifted from it a diamond necklace- Her large, thoughtful eyes rested on them, but it was plain her thoughts were elsewhere.
" How sober you look, child ! " said Marie.
" Are these worth a great deal of money, mamma ? '
" To be sure, they are. Father sent to France for them. They are worth a small fortune."
" I wish I had them," said Eva, " to do what I pleased with!"