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clasped hands, and with an absorbed expression of love, trust, adoration, on his quiet face.
" Tom," said his master, " this is all real to you."
" I can jest fairly see it, Mas'r," said Tom.
" I wish I had your eyes, Tom."
" I wish, to the dear Lord, Mas'r had ! "
" But, Tom, you know that I have a great deal more knowledge than you; what if I should tell you that I don't believe this Bible ? "
" Oh, Mas'r," said Tom, holding up his hands, with a deprecating gesture.
" Would n't it shake your faith some, Tom ? "
" Not a grain," said Tom.
" Why, Tom, you must know I know the most."
" Oh, Mas'r, have n't you jest read how he hides from the wise and prudent, and reveals unto babes ? But Mas'r was n't in earnest, for sartin, now ? " said Tom, anxiously.
" No, Tom, I was not. I don't disbelieve, and I think there is reason to believe; and still I don't. It's a troublesome bad habit I 've got, Tom."
" If Mas'r would only pray ! "
" How do you know I don't, Tom ? "
" Does Mas'r ? "
u I would, Tom, if there was anybody there when I pray ; but it's all speaking unto nothing, when I do. But come, Tom, you pray, now, and show me how."
Tom's heart was full; he poured it out in prayer, like waters that have been long suppressed. One thing was plain enough: Tom thought there was somebody to hear, whether there were or not. In fact, St. Clare felt himself borne, on the tide of his faith and feeling, almost to the gates of that heaven he seemed so vividly to conceive. It seemed to bring him nearer to Eva.
" Thank you, my boy," said St. Clare, when Tom rose ; " I like to hear you, Tom; but go, now, and leave me alone; some other time, I'll talk more."
Tom silently left the room. |