Uncle tom's cabin - online children's book

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LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY            441
his cake for him, and tended its baking; and Tom sat down by the light of the fire, and drew out his Bible, — for he had need of comfort.
" What's that ? " said one of the women.
" A Bible," said Tom.
" Good Lord! han't seen un since I was in Kentuck."
" Was you raised in Kentuck ?" said Tom, with in­terest.
" Yes, and well raised, too; never spected to come to dis yer! " said the woman, sighing.
" What's dat ar book, anyway ? " said the other woman.
" Why, the Bible."
" Laws a me ! what's dat ? " said the woman.
" Do tell! you never hearn on't ?" said the other woman. " I used to har Missis a-readin' on 't, sometimes, in Kentuck; but, laws o' me! we don't har notliin' here but crackin' and swarin'."
" Read a piece, anyways ! ''* said the first woman, curi­ously, seeing Tom attentively poring over it.
Tom read, — " Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
" Them 's good words enough," said the woman; " who says 'em ? "
" The Lord," said Tom.
" I jest wish I know 'd whar to find him," said the woman. " I would go ; 'pears like I never should get rested agin. My flesh is fairly sore, and I tremble all over, every day, and Sambo 's allers a-jawin' at me, 'cause I does n't pick faster; and nights it's most midnight 'fore I can get my supper; and den 'pears like I don't turn over and shut my eyes, 'fore I hear de horn blow to get up, and at it agin in de mornin'. If I knew whar de Lord was, I 'd tell Him."
" He 's here, He 's everywhere," said Tom.
" Lor, you ain't gwine to make me believe dat ar ! I know de Lord an't here," said the woman ; " 't an't no use talking, though. I's jest gwine to camp down, and sleep while I ken."