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" Hey-dey ! The black cuss ! " said Legree. " He '11 have to get a breakin' in, won't he, boys ? "
Both negroes grinned a horrid grin at this intimation.
" Ay, ay ! let Mas'r Legree alone, for breakin' in ! De debil heself could n't beat Mas'r at dat! " said Quiinbo.
" Wal, boys, the best way is to give him the flogging to do, till he gets over his notions. Break him in! "
"Lord, Mas'r'11 have hard work to get dat out o' him ! "
M It '11 have to come out of him, though ! " said Legree, as he rolled his tobacco in his mouth.
" Now, dar 's Lucy, — de aggravatinest, ugliest wench on de place ! " pursued Sambo.
" Take care, Sam ; I shall begin to think what 's the reason for your spite agin Lucy."
" Well, Mas'r knows she sot herself up agin Mas'r, and would n't have me, when he telled her to."
4' I 'd 'a' flogged her into 't," said Legree, spitting, " only there 's such a press o' work, it don't seem wuth a while to upset her jist now. She 's slender; but these yer slender gals will bear half killin' to get their own way! "
" Wal, Lucy was real aggravatin' and lazy, sulkin' round; would n't do nothin', — and Tom he tuck up for her."
" He did, eh ! Wal, then, Tom shall have the pleasure of flogging her. It '11 be a good practice for him, and he won't put it on to the gal like you devils, neither."
" Ho, ho ! haw ! haw ! haw ! " laughed both the sooty wretches ; and the diabolical sounds seemed, in truth, a not unapt expression of the fiendish character which Legree gave them.
" Wal, but, Mas'r, Tom and Misse Cassy, and dey among 'em, filled Lucy's basket. I ruther guess der weight's in it, Mas'r ! "
" / do the iveighing ! " said Legree, emphatically.
Both the drivers laughed again their diabolical laugh.
" So! " he added, " Misse Cassy did her day's work." |